Interviewsand Articles


Interview Index -

by , Feb 3, 2018



Many of the interviews from our website's 750+ features first appeared in our print magazine works & conversations.

(If you live in the U. S. or Canada and would like a copy of our print magazine, send us a note.)

> Editor's introductions for print issues
> Our newsletter
Bold type = editor's picks


John Abduljaami - A Visit with John Abduljaami
Sally Anderson - An Experiment in Generosity
Gale Antokal - Some Thoughts on Her Work
Tatyana Apraksina - A Face that Held No Riddles
Salma Aratsu - An Appreciation
David Armstrong - Founding AMOCA
Chester Arnold - Prayers and Warnings
Art (& Ethics) - Bruce Helmberger, Brenda Louie, Ron Nakasone, John Toki, John Wehrle, Richard Whittaker, Yoram Wolberger
Eduardo del Conde Arton - The Men of Rice
Christa Assad - Off the Beaten Path/Trax Gallery
Bryant Austin - Crossing Over
Americ Azevedo - The Truth Demands to Be Lived

Jane BakerWorking Assets
Clayton Bailey - Dr. Gladstone and the Kaolithic Era
Meghna Banker - Rupali's HeArt Circles
Rob Barnard - On Joseph Campbell's "Way of the Artist"
Jerry Barrish - Persistence
Jim Barton - A Certain Mathematics
Michael Beck - Interview
Margaret Von Biesen - Portfolio
Arthur Bell Strange and Marvelous
Pat Benincasa - A Geometry of the Heart

Richard Berger – Elusive Genius
Richard Berger - The Prosthetic Temple
Richard Berger - part 2, Prosthetic Temple
Richard Berger - To All Artists Known and Unknown
Richard Berger - Elephanta
Richard Berger - Pal
In Memory of Richard Berger - R. Whittaker
Rupali Bhuva - Rupali's HeArt Circles
Charles Bigger - On Philosophy
Donna Billick, Diane Ullman - Art and Science Fusion at UC Davis
Phil Borges - Interview/Crazywise
Mary Bowen - Interview by Sean Casey with Mary Bowen
Sam Bower - Greenmuseum
Sam Bower - Art As Service
Sam Bower, Anne Veh - Giftivism and Generosity
Demetrio Braceros - New Trail of Hope
Robert Brady - Desert Canto
Robert Brady - at BAC
Kathleen Branagan - Mike Mansfield
Ruth Braunstein - A Pioneering Gallerist
Larry Brilliant - Birds and Saints Don't Collect
Jim Brooks - The Right Stuff
Janine Brown - From an Artist's Journal
Mark Bulwinkle - What Drives Us?
Mark Bulwinkie - A Visit with John Abduljaami
Ariel Burger - A Conversation  with Ariel Burger - Beyond Words
Doug Burgess - Weeds
Abe Burickson - What Are We Living For?
Abe Burickson - On Wonder
Frances Butler - A Garden of Shadow Effects

Jack Cain - Interview - A Life of Adventure for the Mind
Drew Cameron, Drew Matott - Combat Papermakers
Adam Campbell - A Taste for Life
Jim Campbell  - Frames of Reference
Bruce Cannon  - Precession of the Simulacra
Andrew Cao - Andy's Glass Garden
Dr. Eduardo Cardona - First, You Have To Be
T. Carney, Jane Wodening, L. Felzmann, R.Whittaker
(Panel Discussion "Enter the Wild" at di Rosa Gatehouse Gallery)
Squeak Carnwath - Advocate of the Unwatched Life
Squeak Carnwath - Reflections on Painting
Squeak Carnwath - at BAC
Phil Cass - Shifting the Healthcare Paradigm
Rolando Castellon - Mysterious Stranger
James Castle - Keep Talking James Castle
Enrique Martínez Celaya - Self and Beyond Self
Enrique Martínez Celaya - On Art and Mindfulness (an excerpt)
Enrique Martínez Celaya - The Parting of the Exemplary Museum
Enrique Martínez Celaya - Guide
     part 1
     part 2
     part 3
     part 4
     part 5
     part 6
     part 7
     part 8
     part 9
     part 10 (conclusion)

Enrique Martínez Celaya - A Personal Note on Compassion
Lisa Dolby Chadwick - Letting In the Light
Bill Chamberlin - Unexpected Journey
John Chambers  - You Bloom, We Bloom
Phil Chan - Art and Ethics
Francis Xavier Charet - Consciousness Studies
Carl Cheng - The John Doe Company
DeWitt Cheng - Salma Arastu, An Appreciation
Ani Choying - Talks in Santa Clara
Lucy Clark - Sacred Ground
Rebecca Clark - Portfolio
Sue Cochran - Interview, the Making of a Diamond
Tracy Cochran - Awakin Call  Apr. 2012
                          Awakin Call July 6 2024 
Loren Cole - An Unknown Hero
Combat Paper - Interview with Drew Cameron and Drew Matott
Eduardo del Conde - The Men of Rice
                and  Hidden Things that Glow
Julia Connor - The Rescue of Ignorance
Linda Connor - Outside of Time
Michael Cooper - Interview - Finding Your Way
Aryae Coopersmith - Over the Cliff - A Lesson in Being Alive
Andy Couturier - The Abundance of Less
Kathleen Cramer - Emergent Oakland
Kathleen Cramer - I Touch Art
Kathleen Cramer - Seven Sunsets
Kathleen Cramer - Looking for a House in Greece - 
                 A Tour with Heidegger
Kathleen Cramer - Prophecies
Creative Growth Art Center - Insiders and Outsiders
Fred Curchack - A Life in Theater
Leslie Curchack - Don't Clap. Act!
Leslie Curchack - The Journey Home

Grace Dammann - Before and After
Betsy Damon - Living Water
Ram Das, Rachel Naomi Remen - Aging and Dying
Haricharan Das - In the Company of Saints

Krishna Das - with Angula Ram
Ram Dass - Aging and Dying w/Michael Lerner, Rachel Remen
Erik d’Azevedo - Culture Shock
Melanie DeMore - Sound Awareness
Elizabeth Denley - Gift Ecology, Interview with Nipun Mehta
Kristen van Diggelen - This Gift I've Been Given
Davis Dimock - The Gift
Diane Ding -  Hidden Stories
Diane Ding - Panel Discussion, Dolby Chadwick Gallery
Penelope Dinsmore - The Treasure
Marcia Donahue - Working with Hot Material
Marcia Donahue - Anti-Ivory-Tower Device
Sheila Donis - A Life of Giving
James Doolin - Journey
Bill Douglass - Jimbo's Bop City and Other Tales
Phil Dow - Portfolio
Craig Downer, Elyse Gardner - Plight of the Wild Horses
Bill Drayton - (audio) Everyone a Changemaker w/MIchael Lerner
Mark Dubois - How Do We Wake Up?
Mark Dubois - Reflections on the River and this Miracle of Life
Claudia Dudley - Two Poems (from Grace at Midwinter)
Claudia Dudley - Why Write?
Claudia Dudley - Interview, Laurence Rosenthal
Dan Duncan - Poet Laureate of Virtual Reality

Chris Eckert - Borderlands
Andre Enard - Toward Inaccessible Places

Michelle Esrick - On Making Saint Misbehavin'
Art and Ethics - Bruce Helmberger, Brenda Louie, Ron Nakasone, 
      John Toki, John Wehrle, Richard Whittaker, Yoram Wolberger
John Evans - Make a Living, Make a Life
Michael Evans, David Parker - The Vital Image

Rick Fairall - Blood Brothers
Cherri Farrell - Kitchen Teachings
Bella Feldman, Elizabeth Sher - Bella, Bella (at BAC premiere)
David Feldman - A Trip West
David Feldman - Juggling as a Spiritual Practice
L. Felzmann, T. Carney, J. Wodening, R. Whittaker
"Into the Wild" panel at di Rosa Gatehouse Gallery
Carlo Ferretti's Cove  - R. Whittaker
Roberto Fierro - A Born Artist
Fredric Fierstein - An Outrageous Act
Fredric Fierstein - Bicycling to Mongolia
Florin Ion Firimita - An Immigrant Artist's Story
David Ford - The World of Somebody Cares
Cevan Forristt - On Gardens and Taking Chances
Harry Frank - Portfolio
Viola Frey - Who Creates Originals, Ever?
James Friedman - On Akido
Reiko Fujii - The Glass Kimono
David Fullarton - Congratulations on Your Caribou
William Fuller lll - Portfolio

Terrence Galvin - The Meaning of Proportion
Barbara Ganzkow - Flying the Big Ones
Elyse Gardner, Craig Downer - Wild Horses
Barbara Gates - Combat Papermakers
Barbara Gates - Making Paper with Charnel Rag
Helen Gennari - My First Best Friend
James Genone - Minerva Schools at KGI
James George – If Not Now, When?
James George - Who Am I? And For What?
James George - My Vision Quest
Celia Gerard - Portfolio
S. T. Georgiou - Remembering Robert Lax
S. T. Georgiou - Mana

Rosalie Giffoniello - Sailing the Winds of Grace
Jody Gillerman - Real and Surreal
Aura Glaser - A Dharma Coyote's Journey to Photography
Stuart Goodnick/Robert Schmidt - Mystical Positivists
Wavy Gravy - Saint Misbehavin'
Michael Grbich - Bridges to Cross
Susan Hyde Greene - Art and Healing
John Grim, Mary Evelyn Tucker - Living Cosmologies
Doug Groves - Ranch Life and Rawhide Braiding

Karen Haas, Tom Leddy - The Pleasure of Tchotchkes
Silas Hagerty – Dakota 38
Silas Hagerty – Smooth Feather Productions

Peter Hagerty - The Coconut Monk
James Hajicek - To Fall In Darkness - Gifts of Suffering, Gifts of Rejoicing
Malcolm Hall - Rover Khayyam
Ladislav Hanka - What We Actually Love -
                Reflections on Contemporary Art
Ladislav Hanka - In Pursuit of Birds
Ladislav Hanka - Some Thoughts Sent to Ted Orland
Ladislav Hanka - Gitche Gumee: Big Water, Cradle of My Inspiration
Ladislav Hanka - Great Wall of Bees
Ladislav Hanka - A Letter to Peter Kingsley
David Harrison - The Path to Watercolor Enlightenment
Rue Harrison - Beyond the Known Territory
Rue Harrison - Jungle of Montini

Rue Harrison - Animalair: First Summer Session Abroad
Rue Harrison - Approachiing Sacred Geometry
Ann Hatch - Making a Place for Art
Kozo Hattori - A Conversation with Manulani Aluli Meyer

Rick Hawes - Unauthorized Civic Improvements
Red Hawk - 2 Poems
Doug Heine - From Pipe Fitting to Cosmic Particles
Germán Herrera - Portfolio
Gareth Hill - Reflections of a Jungian Analyst
Pam Hiller - A Weaver's Reflections

Jonathan Hiller - Habitat Restoration
Jonathan Hiller - The Big Easy Lounge
Edith Hillinger - Courage
Edith Hillinger - Building a Life in Art

Edith Hillinger - Portfolio
Ron Hobbs - Interview - Coast to Coast
Ron Hobbs - Brotherhood of Fools
Ron Hobbs - Half a Mile from Taos Pueblo
Ron Hobbs - Three Bird Stories
Ron Hobbs - The Honey Peddler
Ron Hobbs - Grandmother Gypsy
Ron Hobbs - Kilo Charles Six VHU
Ron Hobbs - Dawn of a Question
                     The Poem that Lovers Seek
                     Joe Sun Hawk
Ron Hobbs - The Secret of Bayou Teche
Ron Hobbs - Upward Mobility
Ron Hobbs - Wells of Living Waters
Ron Hobbs - Witness of Two Worlds
Mary Daniel Hobson - Arts and Healing Network
David Hoffman - Interview - A Generous Eye
Lee Hoinacki - Conscience and Courage
Archana Horsting - KALA and An Artist's Journey
Archana Horsting - The Fringe of the Field
Professor Ron Howard - Waking Up
Professor Ron Howard - The Best Game There Is
Charles Howard - Radical Love and Holy Play
James Hubbell - A Life of One's Own
Daniel Hunter - The Idea of Something Real

Katina Huston - Smart Arts - Observations on Art in Academia
Katina Huston - An American Artist in Japan
Leigh Hyams  -  This Incredible Fact of Being Alive
Leigh Hyams - Trusting the Process
Leigh Hyams - Some Drawings of Dogs
Lewis Hyde - On Forgetting and other Questions

Indigo Animal - A Conversation with Rue Harrison
Indigo Animal - First Summer Session Abroad
Indigo Animal - Reviewed in Parabola

Franck Andre Jamme - Broken Glasses
Jeremiah Jenkins - What Is Art For?
Jeremiah Jenkins - Panel Discussion, Dolby Chadwick Gallery
Ed Johnson - Beauty and Science

Trebbe Johnson - A Conversation with Trebbe Johnson
Trebbe Johnson - Guerrilla Beauty

Peter Kalmus - The Question of Progress
Richard Kamler - An Art of Engagement pt 1
Richard Kamler - An Art of Engagement pt 2

Michael Kane - Time Did Not Exist
Walter Kennedy - Portfolio
Jon Kerpel - Revisiting Alameda
Karma Kitchen - A Taste of the New Counter-Culture
Peter Kingsley - Remembering What We Have Forgotten
Peter Kingsley - Finding What Is Real
Manuel Klarmann - Eaternity
Eric Klatt - Regarding Fencelines
Eric Klatt - Portfolio
Lisa Kokin - Reflections and Reconfigurations
Matthew Kowalski - Giving Back What Was So Clearly Given To Me
Dr. Ramkumar Kutty - Vaidyagrama, In Search of Authentic Ayurveda

Kerri Lake - A Conversation with Michelle Wagner-Yeatts
Robin Lasser - Excerpts from a Portfolio
Shabir Latif – Emotional Intelligence
Mike Lay - Acrylic on Hardboard
Yoo-Mi Lee - From Money to Meaning
Tom Leddy - The Garden As Art
Tom Leddy, Karen Haas - The Pleasure of Tchotchkes
Cindy Hawkins Legorreta - Conjure Woman - Mongo Notes
Cheryl Leonard - Music Outside the Music Box
Michael Lerner - Inner and Outer Healing
Michael Lerner - Aging and Dying w/Ram Das, Rachel Remen
Ayden LeRoux - To Read the Day After the Election
Michael Levenston/B. Woodsworth - Vancouver's City Farmers
Ana Valdes Lim - Theater for Wholeness and Wellness
Audrey Lin -  Alive in the World
Audrey Lin - Interview with Rev. Heng Sure
Elaine Ling - Remote Wonders

Karl Linn - Reclaiming a Commons
Hung Liu - Susie Davis, R. Whittaker
Tom Lorio - R. Whittaker
Dennis Ludlow - Interview: Magic Theater
Brenda Louie - Flowers from the Sky
Richard Lueker, M.D. - A Miracle Cure

Marjorie Maddox - Writing Across the Genres
Tom Madison - Sacred Ground, the Art of Lucy Clark
Arnaud Maitland - An Intrinsic Capacity for Knowingness
John Malloy - We Are  All in This Together
Vaea Marx - Koan
Hilary Maslon - Genetically Engineered Chicken
John Mason - No  Simple Answers
Varsha Mathrani - Life Is Calling You. How Far Will You Go?
Meredith May - For the Love of Bees
Meredith May - I Who Did Not Die

Susan McCaslin - The Divine and Embodied Feminine
Russ McClure - Premier Autobody
Dan McCormick, Mary O’Brien - Restoration
Michael C. McMillen - The Alchemy of Things
Murray Mednick - Hidden Curtain

Murray Mednick - On Acting and Performance in My Plays
Pavithra Mehta:
Three Short Pieces
The Strange Woman Inside
Tarweeds In My Hair
To Savor and Be Savored
The Quid for Which There Is No Quo
Notes to Self On a Late Winter's Night
Penpa Tang-ing with Neha
Nipun Mehta - A Journey to Service
Nipun Mehta - Intrw. by Jacob Needleman/Acting from the Heart
Nipun Mehta - Interview by Elizabeth Denley
Nipun Mehta - Remembering Popat Savla
Jim Melchert  - Getting There Is Half the Fun
Jim Melchert  - Lucky Breaks
Nancy Mellon - Story Telling As a Healing  Art
Gabriel Meyer - Stretching Identity
Manulani Aluli Meyer - Interview by Kozo Hattori
David Middlebrook - Portfolio
David Milarch - Nurseryman
Michael Miller - Pottery and the Ancient Life
Scott Miller - portfolio
Taya Doro Mitchell - Keeping Your Hands Moving
Taya Doro Mitchell - Following Taya
Doris Mitsch - Poetry Found in the Cloud
Rod, Andree Moen - Two Jewelers of New Mexico
David Molesky - Infinite Water
Mary B. Moorhead - Toward an Ageless Society
Money and My Relationship with It - Jacob Needleman, Min Lee, Mark Finser, Barbara Sargent
Christine Moran - Portfolio
Kate Munger - Threshold Choir
Anne Muller - Bhutan's Gross National Happiness Index
George Murphy - Interview of the painter by Razi Mizrahi
Joe Murphy (Joe Peace) - Peace Chain Reaction
Ann Firth Murray - Can Love Be a Force for Social Justice?

Craig Nagasawa - Meeting Gojira
Craig Nagasawa - Portfolio
Mas Nakaima, Janet Roth - Spirit Rock
Tom Nakashima, Rob Barnard - The Artist's Way

Tom Nakashima -  A Way of Working
Ron Nakasone – Art of Sho
Ron Nakasone – Formless Form

Jeff Nedry - Kindness Journey
Gail Needleman - Music Is Something You Do
Gail Needleman - Outshine the Sun
Jacob Needleman - Art & Philosophy
Jacob Needleman – (audio) Why Can't We Be Good?
Jacob Needleman - What Is God?
Jacob Needleman - The Great Unknown Is Me, Myself

Jacob Needleman - A Dialogue with Richard Whittaker
Jacob Needleman - A Dialogue with Nipun Mehta
Jacob Needleman - An Unknown World (excerpt)
Jacob Needleman - Verna (excerpt from What Is God?)
Jacob Needleman - On Hope
Juan Negrin - A Life of Service to the Huichol
Sam Nejati - What Does It Mean to Be Human?
Mark Nepo - The Journey of Awakening
Brent Nettle - Eldergivers
works & conversations newsletter - current issue
Peter Newsom - Marty
Tucker Nichols - Together We Can Prevent Earthquakes
Kevin Nierman - Interview by Nancy Selvin
Kallan Nishimoto - Art & Ethics at Flytrap Studio
Thu Nguyen - Connectivity
Saïd Nuseibeh - The Bond of Mystical Beauty

Ida Oberman - The Whole Child and Urban Education - A Waldorf Perspective
Mary O’Brien/Daniel McCormick - Restoration
James O’Dea - Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Restorative Justice
Nathan Oliveira - Fundamentals

Jame Opie - Reflections of a High School Teacher
James Opie - The Paddle
Ruth Ozeki - We Are All Time-Beings

Slobodan Dan Paich -  Living Culture
Slobodan Dan Paich -  Art For Social Change
Slobodan Dan Paich - Artship in America
David Parker - The Phenomenal World
David Parker, Michael Evans - The Vital Image

Jonathan Parker – "Untitled"
Joe Peace (Joe Murphy) - Peace Chain-Reaction
Steven Pattie - Tell Their Stories

Lea Pearlman - Inspiring Happiness
Kristin Pedemonti - When There Is No Language, Speak Kindness
Michael Penn - On Hopelessness and Hope
Sam Perry - At Sanchez Art Center
Sam Perry - A Feeling for Beauty
Rosemary Peterson - The Skittish Stallion
Rosemary Peterson - Across a Great Divide
Rosemary Peterson - McAllister
Rosemary Peterson - The Piano
Ann Petru - A Doctor For Life
Judy Pfaff - The Interior Landscape
Irene Pijoan - Lucidity
Zach Pine -  Life Practice

J. S. Porter, Susan McCaslin - The Divine and Embodied Feminine

Milan Rai - The Butterfly Effect
MIlan Rai - A Conversation with Milan Rai
Mary Rakow - Looking for a Context for Enrique Martinez Celaya's Work
Eliza Ramos - Into the Real
Leta Ramos - Insiders and Outsiders
Lobsang Rapgay - Aesthetic Thought
Jennifer Rauch - Slow Media
Jeffrey Rawlins - From Arcosanti with Love
Lea Redmond - Say Grace
Godfrey Reggio - A Call for a Another Way of Living
Charles Reilly - Portfolio
Rachel Naomi Remen - Interview - "The Soul of Medicine"
Rachel Naomi Remen, Ram Das, Michael Lerner - Aging and Dying
Paul Reynard - Beyond Beauty
Paul Reynard - Two Drawings
Juan Rodriquez - I Was A Gallery Guard at the Met
Robert Roehl - Seeing
Robert Roehl - Catman
Robert Roehl - Aspen
Alexander Rohrig - Portfolio
Brian Rood - Avenue Books
di Rosa panel - "Enter the Wild" - Trish Carney, Lukas Felzmann, Jane Wodening, R. Whittaker
Jane Rosen - Intelligence of Life
Jane Rosen - Seeing
Jane Rosen -  Importance of Questions
Jane Rosen - On Paul Reynard
Jane Rosen - Art 12, A Day in Drawing Class
Jane Rosen - East and West
Jane Rosen - Hawk Story
Jane Rosen - Rebecca Clark
Laurence Rosenthal - On Composing for Film
Mary Rothschild - Considering Media in the Light of Relationship and Attention
Dennis Rubenstein (Tree) - San Francisco's Free Farm
Gabriel Russo - Living on the Selvedge
Ursula von Rydingsvard - Objects of Presence

Meredith Sabini - The Dumpster
Andrea Sadler - The Music Can Catch You When You Fall
Bob Sadler - A Common Humanity
Fariba Safai - The Power of Giving Panel at BAC
Lama Samten - You Are a Mountain
Marvin Sanders - Magic Flute
Dr. Len Saputo - Integral Health Medicine
Carl Safina - Beyond Words
Susan Schaller - Story of a Contemporary Miracle
Susan Schaller - Keep Talking, James Castle
Susan Schaller - Non-Linear Encounters and the Deeper Life
Donald Schell - Risking Song
Bob Scher - Song of Life
Robert Schmidt/Stuart Goodnick - Mystical Positivists
Dickson Schneider - Looking for Something That's True
Dickson Schneider -  Free Art
Tom Schultz - Ab Ex, the Cedar Bar and a Ticket to Ride

Xiaojuan Shu - Mother
Dean Schwarz - On Marguerite Wildenhain and the Deep Work of Making Pots
Laurie Seagel - A Man Impossible to Classify
Camille Seaman - We All Belong to the Earth
Camille Seaman - Melting Away
James (Cal) Seeba - Medicine Journey

Stephen Seko - Portfolio
Nancy Selvin - Interviews Kevin Nierman - Live, Work, Play
Peter Selz - A Life In Art
Peter Selz - At the Berkeley Art Center
Enrique Serrato - Crazy for Art
Bela Shah - John Chambers and Bloom Bars
Bela Shah, Audrey Lin - Interview with Rev. Heng Sure

Bela Shah - Ann Firth Murray - Can Love Be a Force for Social Justice?
Priya Shah - The Happiness Advantage
Rajesh Shah - Two Climates of Bangalore
Richard Shaw - Magic Tricks
Elizabeth Sher - Bella, Bella

Katherine Sherwood - Art and Healing
Raphael Shevelev - Seeing Is Relationship
John Shirley - The Courage of Consciousness
Tom Schultz - Ab Ex, the Cedar Bar and a Ticket to Ride
Xiaojuan Shu - Mother
Radek Skrivanek - The Dying Sea
Paul Van Slambrouck - Reflections on Journalism
Paul Van Slambrouck - Thoughts on Art Left Behind
Paul Van Slambrouck - On Seeing
Paul Van Slambrouck - Meridian Gallery in S.F.
Paul Van Slambrouck - A Moment Along the Mississippi
Paul Van Slambrouck - Seeing Tomales
Ashley Smith - Power of Giving Panel at BAC
Leslie Smith - Remembering an Outsider Artist
Richard Smithies - The Temples of Angkor Wat and the Search for Meaning in Life
Paolo Soleri - Architecture As Salvation
Looking for Paolo Soleri - Richard Whittaker
Frederick Sontag - A Time of Searching
Stephen De Staebler - Body and Spirit

Chuck St. John - An Early Morning Revelation
Joan di Stefano - The Action of Light
Mary Stein - The Geologist's Story
Mary Stein - The Gift of Danger
Mary Stein - Interview with Dr. Victoria Sweet
Mary Stein - James Friedman on Akido
Mary Stein - Cheryl Leonard - Music Outside the Music Box
Mary Stein - Interview w/ Ruth Ozeki - A Tale for the Time Being
Mary Stein - Interview with Donald Schell - Risking Song
Mary Stein - Interview with Bonnie Wells
Mary Stein - The Bear Under the Table
Mary Stein - The Way North
Mary Stein - An Invitation to Dance
Livia Stein - A Visit to India
Irene Sullivan - Understanding of the Heart
Rev. Heng Sure - Cultivation and Practice
Wendy Sussman - Real Painting
Dr. Victoria Sweet - Slow Medicine

Peter Szasz - An Experiment in Drawing

Hadi Tabatabai - Not This, Not That
Hadi Tabatabai - In Memory of Agnes Martin
Zoshi Takayuki - Spirit Carver
Jerry Takigawa - Grace In Uncertainty

Tenyoh - Interviewed by Ann Haber Stanton
Shin-Ichiro Terayama - A Radical Healing
Jacqueline Thurston - Time In Egypt
John Toki - Many Dimensions
John Toki  - Earning It

John Toki - And Some Reflections on Cultural Service
Alfred Tolle - Wisdom Together
Ehren Tool - The Power of Giving Panel at BAC
Ehren Tool - A Marine's Journey
Lucy Traber - Coming to One's Senses
Tree (Dennis Rubenstein) - San Francisco's Free Farm
Quincy Troupe - A Poet's Journey
Mary Evelyn Tucker, John Grim - Living Cosmologies
James Turrell - Greeting the Light

Diane Ullman, Donna Billick - Art & Science Fusion at UCDavis
David Ulrich - Remembering Minor White
John Upton - A Life in Photography
John Upton, David Ulrich - Mirrors and Manifestations 

Ana Valdes Lim - Theater for Wholeness and Wellness
Kristen van Diggelen - This Gift I've Been Given
Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee - Deep Water
Ursula von Rydingsvard - Objects of Presence
Anne Veh - Steve Karlin and Susie Bear
Anne Veh - Betty Peck
Anne Veh - Interview of Nany Mellon
Anne Veh - Judith Selby and Richard Lang
Anne Veh - Giftivism and Generosity
Anne Veh - Trish Carney
Susan Vorbeck - Cotton and Silk
Susan Vorbeck - Two Childhood Stories

Gale Wagner - Pacific Rim Sculptors Group
Gale Wagner - at BAC
Gale Wagner - Free Flight
Gale Wagner - An Art of Joy
Alan Wallace - Radical Empiricism and Other Questions
Zilong Wang -  Medicine Journey
Patrick Watters - Waters of Life
Wang Yan Kwai - Dust Is in the Eye of the Beholder
Ann Weber - Enough, Not Enough
Ann Weber - Panel Discussion, Dolby Chadwick Gallery
John Wehrle - First Do No Harm
Tom Weidlinger - Tree of the Art of the Mind
Bonnie Wells -  Material Grace
J. Kathleen White - (except from)  21 Day Hikes in the Umbra Region of the Vespertine
J. Kathleen White - A Collection of Vases
J. Kathleen White - The Cur(s)e of the Mummy
Julian White - Interview by Jan Boyer
Rosalyn White - Interview - Painting in the Dharma
Richard Whittaker - Interview -Point Reyes Dialogues
Richard Whittaker - Interview - Berkeley Treasures
Richard Whittaker - Interview - Talking with Artists
Richard Whittaker - Interview - Future Department of Authentic Self
Richard Whittaker - Interview - Karma Kitchen
Richard Whittaker - Interview - Manteith, Apraksina
Richard Whittaker articles:
     Starr Valley
     Looking for Paolo Soleri
     Transcendental Vision in Sand City
     Distant Beauty
     Brent Nettle and Art with Elders
     Carlo Ferretti's Cove
     In Memory of Richard Berger
     In Memory of James Doolin
     Robert Fierro, a Born Artist
     Insiders & Outsiders - Leta Ramos / The Creative Growth Art Center
     Bicycling to Mongolia
     Rolling Art in LA
     Tom Lorio, Stuffed Geese and Secret Art in Baton Rouge
     Demetrio Braceros - New Trail of Hope
     Small Matters - Reflections on the Art of Tony May
     Lost and Found - Elko Cowboy Poetry Gathering
     A Lost Mariposa Garden
     A Dialogue with Jacob Needleman
     Panel Discussion, Dolby Chadwick Gallery - (R. Whittaker, Ann Weber, Jeremiah Jenkins, Diane Ding)
     Panel Discussion, Berkeley Art Center - "Power of Giving" R. Whittaker, Ehren Tool, Fariba Safai, Ashley Smith
     The Glass Kimono - Reflections on the films of Reiko Fujii
     Night Shift at the Marriott 
     Welcome to the New Counter-culture
     John Toki and Some Reflections on Cultural Service
     BAC Panel - The Risk of Not Doing What You Love - R.Whiittaker, Squeak Carnwath, Robert Brady, Gale Wagner
     Sam Nejati - What Does It Mean to Be Human?
     Revisiting Alameda
     Acrylic On Hardboard
     A Marine's Journey
     Remembering an Outsider Artist
     A Visit with John Abduljaami
     Unexpected Beauty
     William Fuller lll
     Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors - Reflections on Joseph Campbell's View of Art
     The Precision of the Artist
     Premier Autobody
     Some Thoughts on Water
     Earning Humility - My Story of Meeting Rollie Grandbois
     What Do Gardens Mean?
     With Lanterns on Their Heads Radiating Light and Warmth - Rudolf Steiner's Blackboard Drawings at BAM
     Janessa Gans Wilder - Listening to the River
     Jane Wodening - Doors of Perception
     Petra Wolf - Pilgrim, A Conversation with Petra Wolf
    John Wolfstone - Tamera and Beyond
    Bob Woodsworth, Michael Levenson - Vancouver's City Farmers
     Anita Wong - A Place To Stand
     Carl Worth - Birth of an Art Center
     A Morning When Everything Fell Into Place
     Three Desert Stories
     A Modest Purchase
     A Few Early Moments
     Three Hours of Free Time in Berkeley
     At the Marsh Theater Berkeley 8.23.2022 - "God Will Send the Wind But You Have to Raise the Sails"
     At the Marsh Theater/Berkeley 12.12.2022 "A Taste of Freedom"
Bob Woodsworth - Reflections on the Art of Arnold Shives
Jan Wurm Interview - Hope and Renewal

Roy Yates - An Unknown Composer
Lily Yeh - Art for Social Transformation

Denise Zabalaga - We Are All the Other
Denise Zabalaga - Portfolio
Milford Zornes - An Artist's Life




A Man Impossible to Classify photo: r. whittaker One of my first experiences in San Francisco ... Read More 750504 views

The Dumpster       “We can’t use these. They look like ... Read More 162942 views

Cotton and Silk Vorbeck quilt, detail I’m working on the last panel of a pair of ... Read More 15020 views

Say Grace I am deeply delighted to live on a planet that is so big and varied that I can ... Read More 13740 views

A Conversation with Silas Hagerty photo: r. whittaker I met Silas, a young man in his twenties ... Read More 86861 views


A Man Impossible to Classify photo: r. whittaker One of my first experiences in San Francisco ... Read More 750504 views

Interview with Bill Douglass - Jimbo's Bop City and Other Tales At the time I'd first gotten to know the widely respected ... Read More 372046 views

Greeting the Light It was thanks to artist Walter Gabrielson that I was able to get ... Read More 336926 views

Interview: Gail Needleman Gail Needleman taught music at Holy Names University in Oakland, ... Read More 197421 views

The Dumpster       “We can’t use these. They look like ... Read More 162942 views